Tuesday, January 31, 2006

is it me or my face is almost twice the size of ling's? hahahaha

happy chinese new year! today's chu 3 already ...

and yup, managed to squeeze that dinner gathering out of nothing ... =) glad to have the 3 of u in my life! love you dearies

ver at 9:03 PM

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I love this picture (tho Miss's head was kinda squashed by me.. but hee it's a great foto! we have all grown up!)
Today's a happy day! MTLV met up again :D And it was the first meal that we had together after an extremely long period of time! Awesome. Wonderful wonderful meet up we had. There will be many more to come! Although we almost couldn't make it, but it doesn't matter because eventually we managed to make time into a toothpaste and squeezed it out for this :)

I love you girls. May our friendship last forever!

thimerosa at 1:13 AM

we used to go to nanyang together. we used to be in 1/4 and 2/4 together. we used to be from band or choir together. we used to we used to. we used to.

who we are
MTLV stands for MissTinkLaVeg. MissTinkLaVeg stands for Misstery, Tinkergal, Lalita and Vegee. We are 4 extremely good friends. We coined MTLV out by taking the first syllable of our nicknames and arranged them in birthdate order.

where our blogs are

[thimerosa] lalita
[veraine] vegee

who we talked to
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