Monday, October 11, 2004

Hey gals,

How've you been doing?

Missing you all right here in the States!


thimerosa at 3:18 AM

Sunday, October 03, 2004

getting involved with someone without some kind of astrological understanding of them is like buying a car without looking under the hood
erm...that's the last quote i heard. hah true of false? hope jia's fine in US! if you meet a guy, pls remember to check if his signs clashes with yours Posted by Hello

Wan Ling at 9:51 PM

we used to go to nanyang together. we used to be in 1/4 and 2/4 together. we used to be from band or choir together. we used to we used to. we used to.

who we are
MTLV stands for MissTinkLaVeg. MissTinkLaVeg stands for Misstery, Tinkergal, Lalita and Vegee. We are 4 extremely good friends. We coined MTLV out by taking the first syllable of our nicknames and arranged them in birthdate order.

where our blogs are

[thimerosa] lalita
[veraine] vegee

who we talked to
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